Past Retreats

About Vasumdhara – Abode of Yogavahi Wellness Retreats

Yogavahi Wellness hosted its first retreat at the farmhouse “Vasumdhara” in Karjat. The farmhouse is located amidst serene village named Kashele. It is surrounded by trees, hillocks and lots of whispering winds. The house itself is an open brick structure built with eco sustainable elements like Chira stone. The sloping grounds of the land provide excellent topography for the local plants and shrubs to grow. Lots of fruit trees like mango, guava, pomegranate , custard apple, gooseberry, jackfruit, wood apple and many more are abundantly growing on the land.

The land proudly hosts a unique combination of trees like Banyan and Peepal which are known to be more than 100 years old and are worshipped by local villagers for the important festivities like vat Savitri and others.

Vasumdhara boasts of a well-maintained swimming pool which is operational throughout the year.

Karjat offers excellent weather and scenery in monsoon and winters and also unbearable heat in the summer season.

Keeping in view the weather suitability of the location and as per ayurveda principles, retreats are not held in summer months of April and May.

Vasumdhara has in house excellent cooks who are expertly trained and guided by Shveta to prepare meals for the retreats. The meals are based on ayurveda principles and customized as per the individual needs of the participants.

The villa has been designed with extensive spaces to hold asana sessions and other activities of the retreat.

Nestled in natural elements, a visit to the farmland is enough to trigger the feelings of rest and well-being for the visitors.


The retreat intends to be a meeting point of “YOU” with “YOU” . As individuals we are divided into several roles of our life , professional and personal. Beginning from the late 20s , we are faced with the most difficult professional and personal roles of our life irrespective of the gender .We often ignore our emotional, mental and physical health for a decade or more. This retreat offers a window to understand where we began from , where we lost the plot of life and where have we arrived at. Contrary to belief , just a weekend spent with mindfulness and the focus towards self is more than enough to begin this journey for individuals.

It is absolutely possible to spend entire life without knowing the SELF, flowing with the daily activities of life , believing that fulfilling the professional and personal roles of our life is the BE ALL AND END ALL for us. Such believers do not become a part of these retreats. 

This wellness retreat attracts individuals who are exhausted yet not contented ,successful yet lost, busy but curious, labelled yet unaware of self.

The retreat provides the first step to self-discovery, awareness and emotional management with the help of Ayurveda, Yoga, Pranayama, Art and other holistic healing therapies . Each activity of the retreat is planned in accordance with the season, individual needs and customized to fulfill the most urgent issues of the contributors.

The group who come together for the retreat is the most serendipitous aspect and contributes to the beauty of the programme.

Monsoon detox retreat aims to cleanse your body, emotions and mind. As per ayurveda, rainy season when the digestive fire of the gut is at its lowest is the best time to undergo this catharsis experience for the gut and the mind. June , July ,Aug and September will be the months for hosting detox retreat by Yogavahi wellness. Monsoon is supposed to be the most beautiful season to visit Karjat which is conveniently located from Mumbai and Pune.

With the advent of autumn and winter, the wellness retreats will take shape at Vasumdhara. These are aimed towards rest and rejuvenation for the heart and mind but not so much for the body. When the physical self is stretched and moved in the winter season, it results in purgation of negativity and lethargy from the mind. Winters provide the luscious nip in the morning air with chill at night in Karjat  which is sorely missed by the residents of Mumbai and Pune with the rampant pollution and concretisation of these two cities.

View the highlights


Yogavahi wellness hosted its first retreat in the month of March, 2023 which saw a bunch of corporate women participants. These women exhausted with the last month of the year end pressures opted for the retreat to sail them through not just the year end but also the daily rigours of life. From consultancy, HR,academics , social enterprise background, these women brought a gamut of experience and personal stories to the retreat. From asana session early morning to the evening picnic in the stream , they participated enthusiastically in all the planned activities. The women had so much fun together as strangers that they are now all friends who constantly keep in touch with each other.

View the itirenary


If not the majestic Himalayas then where else will we feel enamoured enough to take a pause and look within. A group of five feisty women came in from different locations like Singapore, Mumbai, Pune and reached Leh to have the journey of a lifetime. From village walks, plucking apricots to swimming in chilled water of the pools, we did it all. At the behest of the group we did much more than the itinerary, from dancing in the dunes to walking the unknown mountains lanes .
From media to education to design, participants from different backgrounds learnt to let go of their professional demeanours to just become the girls out to have fun with Yoga, Pranayama and Ayurveda. They discovered themselves again and ignited the love for their own body and mind. They came in as professionals and returned as women who fell in love with their own self.

View the landmarks of Healing and fun



This retreat held in Karjat saw the influx of participants with duty hours of 24 hours with no salary or perks. For a few of them this getaway was the first experience of their adult life of being with just their own self. When given a chance to relax , think and abandon the stress and responsibilities, the participants visibly bloomed and glowed. Vasumdhara staff got an opportunity to learn traditional recipies from the contibutors and everyone enriched from the expanded frontiers of knowledge and experience.


This was an incredibly rejuvenating experience. The combination of diverse backgrounds and shared experiences of stress and success created a rich environment for learning and growth. Learning to let go, relax, and reconnect with oneself is so important, especially for those who carry heavy responsibilities in their professional lives. Practices like yoga, pranayama, and mindfulness provided the powerful tools for managing stress and fostering self-awareness. And incorporating elements like nutritious food and artistic expression added depth to the experience, nourishing both body and soul. It’s wonderful to know that individuals leaving the retreat felt more balanced, energized, and equipped to navigate the demands of their lives with greater resilience and joy.


Nestled amidst lush greenery and surrounded by the calming embrace of nature, a group of individuals embarked on a journey of self-discovery and rejuvenation at an Ayurveda-led wellness retreat. Each member arrived as a stranger, but the tranquil ambiance and shared purpose quickly fostered a sense of camaraderie and connection.

From the moment they arrived, the participants were enveloped in an atmosphere of serenity and tranquility. Morning greeted them with the soothing melodies of birdsong and the gentle rustle of leaves, setting the tone for a day filled with holistic practices and self-care.

Under the expert guidance of Ayurvedic practitioner, Shveta, the group delved into the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, learning about the importance of balance and harmony in mind, body, and spirit. Yoga sessions infused the air with a sense of fluidity and grace as participants moved through asanas, breathing deeply and grounding themselves in the present moment.

Pranayama exercises provided a gateway to inner peace, as the rhythmic inhalation and exhalation quieted restless minds and invited a profound sense of calm. In the golden light of dusk, the group gathered for meditation, allowing the stillness of nature to guide them into a state of deep introspection and clarity.

Yet, it wasn’t all solemnity and introspection. Laughter echoed through the corridors as the group came together for lively dance sessions, surrendering to the rhythm of the music and allowing their bodies to express joy and vitality. As night fell, they gathered around a crackling bonfire, sharing stories and songs beneath the starlit sky.

Mealtimes became a celebration of Ayurvedic cuisine, with each dish meticulously prepared to nourish the body and delight the senses. Vibrant colors and aromatic spices filled the air as the group savored each bite, grateful for the abundance of nature’s bounty and the knowledge of how it could heal and sustain them.

As the retreat drew to a close, the group reflected on the transformative journey they had undertaken together. Strangers had become friends, bound by shared experiences and a newfound appreciation for the power of holistic wellness. With hearts full and spirits uplifted, they departed from the farmhouse, carrying the light of Ayurveda within them and radiating its wisdom to the world beyond.


If not the majestic Himalayas then where else will we feel enamoured enough to take a pause and look within. A group of five feisty women came in from different locations like Singapore, Mumbai, Pune and reached Leh to have the journey of a lifetime. From village walks, plucking apricots to swimming in chilled water of the pools, we did it all. At the behest of the group we did much more than the itinerary, from dancing in the dunes to walking the unknown mountains lanes .
From media to education to design, participants from different backgrounds learnt to let go of their professional demeanours to just become the girls out to have fun with Yoga, Pranayama and Ayurveda. They discovered themselves again and ignited the love for their own body and mind. They came in as professionals and returned as women who fell in love with their own self.


Successful corporate professionals from various industries , home made entreprenuers, designers, thinkers and arists came together in serenditipity to this retreat.

In the tranquil embrace of nature, a circle of enthusiastic women gathered, each carrying within them the seed of a journey toward self-discovery and inner growth. Though they arrived as individuals, they soon found themselves woven together by a common thread of purpose and shared aspiration.

Their sanctuary was a haven of serenity, where the rustling leaves whispered tales of ancient wisdom, and the gentle embrace of sunlight nurtured seeds of transformation. Here, amidst the verdant beauty of their surroundings, they embarked on a collective quest for self-realization, guided by the gentle wisdom of Ayurveda and the nurturing embrace of sisterhood.

With hearts open and spirits eager, they delved into the practice of yoga, allowing the ancient postures to guide them into a deeper connection with their bodies and their breath. In the quiet moments of meditation, they discovered the vast expanse of inner stillness, where the chatter of the mind dissolved, and the pure essence of being shone forth.

Pranayama became a sacred dance of breath and energy, as they learned to harness the power of their breath to cultivate balance and vitality within. With each inhalation, they drew in the life force of the universe; with each exhalation, they released all that no longer served them, creating space for new beginnings to unfurl.

they surrendered to the healing touch of abhyangam, allowing warm oils to penetrate deeply into their tissues, soothing away tension and restoring harmony to body, mind, and spirit. Through art therapy and other holistic modalities, they tapped into the wellspring of creativity within, allowing expression to flow freely and unbounded.

View the landmarks of Wellness