Joy of no time keeping

Joy of no time keeping

In the last two weekends, I have begun the practice of not dialing in any alarm in my phone for morning wake up. Fortunately I don’t have any house helps who ring the bell anytime before 9 am. I sleep late on Friday night after watching a movie or reading a book and...

Modern Medicine and Ayurveda — Complimentary or Not

Indigenous science and practices all over the globe have been erased by the capitalist aspects of modern medicine. It has taken me 3 yrs to convince my dad to have a herbal drink instead of a Cetirizine in case of common flu. Im yet to convince my mom to have a...

Body Shaming Begins At Home

Do you remember the first time a woman tried to hide your bra-strap peaking out of your top? Or another woman trying to catch your attention towards your sinking neckline exposing your cleavage? Classic examples of well-meaning women looking out for another woman....
The Hushed Parts of You and Me

The Hushed Parts of You and Me

SOME COMMOM SCENES IN THE HOUSEHOLDS SCENE 1 6 years boy, 3 years old girl Kid- “What is this called? “(Pointing between the legs) Mom – “Sshhhh!! Its called pee pee/wee wee. Don’t say it loudly. Don’t touch it and don’t point towards it!!” Mom overhears the young...
Raised Equal

Raised Equal

When my 10 year old son read the book “rebel girls”, he could not understand the reason for women being applauded for accomplishing anything the first time or why are they being called a rebel. He doesn’t understand discrimination and I was confused whether to tell...